The Banaba Team - YT1AD Hrane Milosevic

Hrane Milosevic

Experience YU1DKL, YU1OIQ, YU4EXA, YU4ETF, YZ4Z, YU5AD, Z31AD, Z32A, ER0A, RV7AD, UT1UD, 4X/YT1AD, 9Y4/YT1AD, J68DA, V29AD, 8Q7AD, 3V8BB, 3D2AD, YJ2AD, A35AD, YS/YT1AD, YS9/YT1AD, HU1X, HU1A, 6W7S, 6W7/YU5AD, V26AS, 3D2CI, 3D2CY, T25A, K1B, etc.
Mode CW & SSB
Profession President of IMPEX Company.
Email yt1ad@eunet.yu

Born in Kraljevo, Yugoslavia. He has a Doctor degree in technical sciences. He is an Amateur radio operator since 1969. Started in radio club Kraljevo – YU1DKL.

Currently he is president of Amateur radio union(SRJ)of Yugoslavia.

Hrane participated in 3 conferences of IARU region 1 as SRJ liason officer ( Den Haag 1993, Tel Aviv 1996, Lillehammer 1999 ). At conference in Tel Aviv and Lillehammer Hrane has been nominated by delegates for Executive Committee of IARU reg 1.

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Web-site design: Rob Snieder PA2R