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Published: Saturday, November 13th, 2004

We are happy to announce that the Banaba DVD is now for sale. The order form can be found via the menu option "Order DVD".

All Direct & OQRS QSL's are now processed and being mailed. In the coming months the buro cards will be registered and send out.

The T33C operation including all individual callsigns have been approved for DXCC.

The 22 members of theT33C team, including 19 operators, are now safely back from Banaba Island. Our DXpedition to this "most wanted" entity in the Central Pacific made 75,000 QSOs between April 4 and April 15 with amateurs throughout the world. This was the first operation from Banaba since 1999.

Banaba lies some 420 km SW of Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati and about 80 km south of the Equator. Eighty years of phosphate mining have eliminated more than 90% of the arable land on Banaba. Today, the 300 residents of the island support themselves by fishing, small gardens, and some money from a trust fund established by Great Britain in acknowledgment of the damage done to their environment. Despite the hardships they have faced, the people of Banaba were gracious hosts who helped make our stay as comfortable as possible.

The T33C team thanks all the radio clubs, DX foundations, and individual amateurs for their financial support and encouragment. We also thank our corporate sponsors for their loans and gifts of radio equipment. All the logs from our operation, QSL information, and photographs from the expedition can be seen on the team Web site: http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004/. Articles describing the expedition
will be appearing in many amateur radio periodicals during the coming months. An expedition video will also be available later this year.


The winner of the Banaba Trophy is JA2VPO with a total of 26 QSOs and 23 band / mode slots.

About Banaba
Ocean Island, known by its Kiribati name of Banaba, is one of the many interesting islands in the Republic of Kiribati (Micronesia). In the company of the other islands of Kiribati, Banaba has its own history, as well as its own unique, beautiful and complex culture that has evolved over many generations. Where it stands apart results from its geographical location and the discovery of phosphat.
The only little harbor on Banaba

A very interesting site about Banaba is:www.banaban.com ("Come meet the Banabans") or Jane's Banaba Homepage or Pacific Island travel



The M/V "Te Taobe"
Captain`s name is Tetabo, licensed: T30NAV
Length on deck 35 meters, Beam 7.3 meters, Draft 3.7 meters, Displacement (roughly) 182 tons; propulsion is provided by a diesel fueled engine capable of producing 500 horsepower. Ship's radio callsign, T3AV.


M/V "Te Taobe"

Our sponsors are listed in the details section

We need you as our Sponsor to cover the high transportation costs. Personal donations can be made via PayPal. The destination PayPal e-mail address for the Banaba 2004 DX-pedition is:
pa2r@muurkrant.com or

Thank you so much for helping us financially

For clubs who like to sponsor us please go to details page to find all bank details.


IOTA Details
Banaba counts for the IOTA program and has reference: OC-018
The Island
© 2003-2004, all rights reserved by the Banaba DX-pedition Team
Web-site design: Rob Snieder PA2R